Recently, on Saturday November 13 I spent a day in gratitude, and I found out the next day, Sunday 14th, was a day declared as Gratitude Day in India! I must have tuned into Universal Gratitude that day.
The day was beautiful and I spent the morning making a divine spiral shell mandala of gratitude, thanking all the people and situations in my life that have supported me, and helped me to grow and develop into who I am. I made a video of the end result, which I will attempt to attach for you at another time. I will include a picture below of a sacred circle sand and shell mandala to give you some idea today. This is much smaller version done in a quarter of the time as the Gratitude Spiral, but was incredibly moving and powerful nonetheless.
When I make these mandalas, I sit in the one spot and only move within about 8 feet of this spot, searching for shells around me. I was fortunate that morning, as I sat by the water’s edge, to have hundreds of shells to choose from, as they were prolific, most unusual, but divinely perfect.
The afternoon was spent under a tree as the tide came in and I had to move. I spent hours there meditating on the energy of gratitude, and then channeled some messages and poems from three guides; two of who have walked with me for a long time, Grey Eagle, and Flyamoonos, both of whom are native American, and a more recent guide who came to me in Hawaii, whom I know as Master Po. Master Po has a great sense of humor, is very kind and patient with me, and is teaching me how to speak and write in Hawaiian. I am a novice at this of course, and have only my dictionary to interpret the words, but so far we have been able to understand each other.
I was shocked when Master PO first spoke to me speaking in his own language when I was in Hawaii. I was there studying with renowned Huna shaman, Serge Kahili King. Serge took us on a journey each day, into a sacred garden and while in there I met Master Po. Serge asked us to bring back a ‘song’ and each item I went in Master Po gave me a few words in Hawaiian. When I came back form the journey I told Serge what happened and shared what I had heard, and he would interpret the messages for me. The first two times this happened the words were spot on and relevant to what we had been discussing before the journey. I was very overwhelmed, and eventually I found it too difficult and sacred to share, so I bought a dictionary and began my own journey with Master Po, recording these wonderful teachings.
For a while, as life got busy, I stopped channeling from Master Po, and when I tried, the words were not as clear or accurate as they were in Hawaii, until my recent day of gratitude. On this day, Master Po kindly began his sacred communion with me in English, and then channeled two messages in Hawaiian. It is a tedious chore trying to work out the meaning, as each word has so many possible interpretations, depending on its grammatical emphasis, which I don’t yet understand. I look forward to one day taking my messages, songs, poems and chants to Hawaii and finding someone to help me work with them so I can share them more confidently. In the meantime, I will share the English versions here with you over the next few days, and also two poems and messages from my other guides. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.
Blessings Be, by Grey Eagle 13.11.10
Blessings be upon the earth,
And all who hold her dear.
Blessings be upon the land,
Both across the ocean
And near.
Blessings be upon all people
From all places, with
All faces.
Blessings be upon their hearts
Filled with love for all.
Blessings be sisters,
Blessings be brothers,
Blessings be fathers,
Blessings be mothers.
May the light shine upon you,
May the dawn bring you
All that is dear to you.
Silent Gratitude by Master Po 13.11.10
Silent Gratitude.
Deep, moving, soothing.
Light, loving, bless-ed, like
Dew Drops and gentle rain on
A sunny day –
Heart leaps with joy
With the contradiction.
Silent gratitude –
Wisdom expressed
Thoughtfully, kindly,
In order to fuel unbending
Minds and hearts with
Loving thoughts and
Deep appreciation.
A sparkle, a deep jubilant sigh.
A breath caught, trapped
In glorious light.
Silent, gracious, abundant love.
(This beautiful poem was channeled in English)
Thank you, and I look forward to meeting with you here again soon,
In Love and Gratitude Always
Heather Price