A Woman of Light and Love
There once was a woman from a far away land
who found herself living in a place unfamiliar. She sometimes wondered how she
ever managed to arrive where she now found herself - amongst people who were so
different to her. Her heart would burst at times from her longing to live
kindly and gently, and when she faced great anger, anxiety, or deep sorrow in
others, she found it hard not to take on their suffering and to search for a
way to help it all go away. This would sometimes cause her to suffer herself,
as if somehow by doing so she might lessen the pain of others.
Eventually the woman realised she could no
longer live in the strange land where she felt too much for others, and so she
decided to move on. While moving physically, by relocating, was familiar and
all too common for this kind-hearted woman, this time she felt too tired to do
that again. After pondering for days as to what to do, she made a decision that
her next move would be an internal one, and so she spent hours meditating in
her Inner Worlds with Wise Guides and Teachers to find a way that would enable
her to feel like she belonged.
One evening, after a particularly difficult
time trying to understand how to manage energy that had come her way from someone
in great emotional pain, the answer came to her. It was simple really - she
realised that what she could do was to find a way to love herself for the same
amount of time that she had felt overwhelmed and consumed by the anger and
emotional pain around her. So she cleared the space to sit quietly and close
here eyes, listening to her favorite music, and remember all the things she
loved about herself. As she breathed in the memory of her True Nature as a
Woman of Love and Light, she felt the knot of anxiety in her stomach begin to
fade away. She kept her mind still from wondering into past events, and focused
on her breath, calling it her Magical Healing Breath - her friend.
As the woman lay in the energy of self-love
and internal peace, she felt her heart heal, and a new energy emerged that she
was somehow familiar with from a long time ago. She remembered the energy from
her childhood, when she would go inside of herself to search for a connection
with the love of her Creator spirit when everything around her was dark and
difficult. She also found this energy in the horses who nibbled on her straw
coloured hair when she sat in the spring fields making daisy chains. She had a
memory of this energy when she built tree houses with her best friend, a boy
who lived down the road. The same energy had flooded her heart when she had
measles as a little girl and her friend had arrived at her bedside having
walked for seven miles to see her. There was no doubt this was the energy of
unconditional love. And so the woman finally knew what she was searching for,
and she knew that no matter what she faced, she would manage it, as long as she
remembered to take the time to fill her love tank up every day - and so she
did. And she sent that love all
those around her who suffered, and finally, she felt like she belonged, for
there was no longer anything outside of herself that she longed for.