Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wake Up with Heather Price - Walking Consciously 08/21 by The Difference | Blog Talk Radio

Wake Up with Heather Price - Walking Consciously 08/21 by The Difference | Blog Talk Radio

Walking Consciously and Authentically in the Business World 

Heather talks with co-host Dr Robyn Mills on working with your intuition and Being Present in business. 
We have so many ways that guide us into making the right choices and decisions in our life, and in business. So often we forget to get out of our head and into our hearts, and be guided by the spirit of our business, that knows which way to go and what is best for all concerned.
We spend so much time each day in our minds, and often feel disconnected from why we are here at a deeper level. When we learn to be present, and become the observer as well as the participant in our daily activities, we can have a deeper, more meaningful experience of life.

Getting to know yourself and understanding your values is the first step in Being Present to yourself. Being prepared to share who you really are, take off the masks, will then let others know what your values are. When our values are exposed, there is more room for a meeting space - a place where we can connect and find respect for each other. This deeper connection and mutual respect can only enhance the flow of work done together.