Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Dream To Fly

There once was a women who was convinced she could fly, if only she could find the right mountain ledge to leap from. She had seen herself do exactly that in a dream, and it felt so real she just knew it was possible. And so she set out on a quest to find the mountain she had seen in her dreams.

The woman had sold all her possessions so she would be free to fulfil her dream. She had only the clothes on her back, a small sleeping bag, and a rucksack filled with whatever food she could carry. She kept her money hidden in her sleeping bag in a pocket she had sewn so it could not be lost, or found.

One night the woman was sleeping soundly when an owl calling out in the night awakened her. Startled, she sat up and looked around but could not see or hear anyone. Unable to get back to sleep, she lay on her back and looked to the stars. The moon was cupped as if it was about to spill its entire contents on her head. She imagined it did just that, and felt the moon dust fall over top of her. Soon she was sleeping again, this time so deeply that she slipped into another world and never returned to the one she had begun her life in.

When the woman awoke, she found herself nestled inside a nest on top of a tall tree. She had become an owl chick, but with the memory of the woman she once was. A few weeks later, she knew her dream had come true when she took her first flight out of the nest. She flew toward the nearby mountain and landed on a small ledge facing the East. Here, she gave thanks to Great Spirit for helping her fulfil her seemingly impossible dream.

It is believed that the woman can be seen on dark starry, summer nights, flying toward the moon. They say she has an owl flying beside her, showing her the way.